Headline news on October 14, 2011

House FoodsWill commercialize the curry that appears in the level five RPG "Ninokuni" and will be released nationwide from November 14. The name is "Oasis Curry in the Nino Country Desert", which is an image of special items that appeared during the game, which is a retort curry with stewed potatoes, carrots and soft beef . The price is 298 yen including tax.

In addition, I wrote this article at GIGAZINE one year ago.

"Wireless LAN" equipment of wireless LAN free ride, purchasers as well as sellers are punished - GIGAZINE

No matter how you look UFO, a future transportation machine that can carry a building with a flying saucer type "Skylifter" - GIGAZINE

An appendix of a magazine that gets more and more luxurious comes to the next phase, and a magazine finally appended with food is launched - GIGAZINE

◆ Today's lunch of GIGAZINE

Mabo tofu (mako tofu noodles, tofu, beef mince, onions)

Sesame vinegar of Komatsuna (Komatsuna, Chikuwa, Carrots, ground sesame, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt)

Egg soup (egg soup raw, egg, blue onion, carrot, mushrooms)

Brown rice rice

◆ Story (memo · various others)
VIPPER I: [Fine browsing attention] It was a triplet when boiled eggs wwwwwwww

Lifetime \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News: 【Image】 My Gokuin folder finally reached 3GB - Livedoor blog
"DaughterNotice the browsing because there are so many images

Beat Takeshi wrote a congratulatory congratulatory impersonation is too terrible |
Hey Po 's apology sentence that appears in the text is also terrible

VIPPER like me: [Image] Please give me a rice cake to a cookie monster while Shigeru cries!

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
My father's gene, eaten and disappearing Gumma University in mitochondria - 47 NEWS (Yona no ni news)

In mitochondria that creates energy in the cell, only maternal mitochondrial genes carry maternal inheritance transmitted to the child is that in the fertilized egg, an action called "self-feeding" occurs, and the father's mitochondria Professor Takeshi Sato of Gunma University and Assistant Professor Miyuki (cell biology) of Gumma University announced the scientific journal Science (electronic version) on 14th.

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Painful news (No ∀ `): Hiroyuki" People who remain in Fukushima are more important than the family's lives "- Livedoor blog

Classes are from abc ... Directly hit the president written "Week Bachelor" in a weekly magazine! - Politics / Society - ZAKZAK

"Although criticism is accepted, why is this university prepared such an elective subject, because of Takeh who has been postponed at junior high school (basic education), this university sends students to society" I will fulfill my responsibility as "the last fortress." Although it is easy to capture only the surface and make a fool of it, if you regard this as a microcosm of Japanese education, you should never be able to just laugh. "

Sync pressure "cute" and Japanese speech: Nikkei business online

About creation of auxiliary reading concerning radiation etc.: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Due to the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, interest in radiation, radioactive materials, radiation (hereinafter referred to as "radiation etc.") has increased.

Under these circumstances, it is important for each citizen to deepen their understanding of radiation, etc. from the stage of primary school, junior high school, high school, learning about radiation etc, depending on the development of children, to themselves I think that it is important to nurture the ability to think and judge.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has created a supplementary readout on radiation etc. to help guide guidance on radiation etc. at elementary school, junior high school, high school, and posted it as follows.

Setagaya's high radiation dose, a luminous paint company in a bottle? Display: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Also, it was found by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, that some bottles were written as "Japan Nightlight". Japan Nightlight is seen as a company of light paint that once existed. Radium 226 was said to have been used as a light paint to paint on the face of the clock.

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Business Media Makoto: Young people were mad at work: why male fashion magazine "smart" is selling (the first part) (1/5)

Doi: Ota Editor-in, magazines are on sale. I think that it will be a sense of "printing money" to expand sales circulation by 1.5 times in 3 years (laugh).

Ota: No, until that ... .... Although it is now 240,000 copies, I think that magazines will become hit products of 1 million copies depending on the ingenuity.

Six ways to make a muggy you "motivated human" right now | Motivate! Keeping the best motivation! 【Creating strongest consciousness】

A way to never shop damaged in second-hand condominiums has been established - Future Insight

I made a cooking blog because I want a boyfriend - blunder speed

What is the "mismatch system" in which tension ran in CyberAgent's employee general meeting? (1/1): MarkeZine (Marketzine)

Another mismatch system is that the lower 5% of the employees are evaluated as D, the yellow card is used for one D evaluation, and the second one is regarded as a red card. The employee who receives the evaluation will choose either department transfer or recommendation for retirement the second time. As a so-called "This work is not a mismatch with this work?" This recommendation comes out. When it was announced, it seems that nervousness has run for a moment to the employee general meeting.

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
You can learn how to make smartphone exclusive site (iPhone & Android) starting from scratch. We gathered sites | Create a site with HTML5

Masayoshi Son: "There is no problem recovering now" → Employee "Can not register due to error (crying)" → grandchild "Just crowded": Hamster bulletin

Big wave man appears in Omotesando Softbank's iPhone 4S matrix wwwwwww: Hamster bulletin
People of "Big Wave which can only ride"! Taken up by the news when "iPhone 3G" is released appear again

IPhone 4S release, KDDI and Softbank collision: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
SOFTBANK MOBILE VIEW I thought that two characters "out of the service area" on the screen of iPhone 4S ... ...,Impact of system downsizing information on SIM cards downBe considered

Amazon launched "public locker"? WIRED.jp World's strongest "techno" journalism

U.S. company launched a method of delivering to public lockers.

Seattle and some of New York are being tested at stores such as Seven Eleven and "Rite Aid" [drug store chain].

Is the future 'rumba' a bath cleaning too? Ask I-Robot CEO - Trend - Nikkei Trendy Net

Rumba switches himself, cleans the floor firmly and charges himself. Just like this, there are possibilities in various areas such as robots that wipe the floor and walls, robots that clean the baths, robots that folds the laundry, lawn mowing robots. I Robot wants to evolve robots in these fields.

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
"Tales of" and "Idol Master" social games appeared in Mobage - Dengeki Online

"TALES OF KIZNA (Tentative)" is scheduled to be distributed in mid-November, preregistration starts today on October 14th. Development will be done in collaboration with NAMCO BANDAI Games and KLab. From the first series work to the latest work, more than 100 characters appeared from 15 works. It is a game that combines character cards, organizes your own party and challenges the battle.

【Madoka ☆ Magica】 Mami Manga Last round This is wonderful ...: Gimetto

Mami's Dokidoki Tyro Finale - Android Market

Is there no person who is a Japanese hero who is likely to be summoned for the Holy Grail War? : Digital news thread

Sideburns Chasmu:: 【New Lupine】 Miyuki Sawashiro's Peaceful Fujiko I feel strange too much Warata wwwwww - Livedoor blog

Before listening: Namikawa and Miyukichi or licking it! Is it?

After hearing: Only the Zenigata has changed voice actor

Chaos-chan: The origins of famous weapons and knowledge are taught
Weapons familiar with RPG such as Ragnarok, Maingauche, Morningstar and so on line up.

Social game startup, Pokélab and Sega's capital and business alliance are turning points in the game industry

Sega will become Poke LABO 's shareholder by acquiring PokeLab' s stock from existing shareholders. Although the acquisition rate and acquisition amount are not disclosed, it is expected that the share will be about 20% or so. Stocks are part of the shares held by Core People Partners and Selene Ventures, which are involved in the establishment of Poke Lab.

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Live house circumstances where young musicians are afraid. - Togetter

First of all there are few people going to the live house, if you speak Familiar, if you drink a pub or bar, if you sing it is karaoke.

Ogi Taguchi Official blog: Thank you very much

I have not talked with the team since September 30th when I was told outside the fighting force either later or before.
"I prepared a position as a leader, but he seemed to have a solid intention,
I have not received such an invitation.

Taguchi spoken in the chest was reported when departing Orix

L'Arc-en-Ciel Gossip Homme voyeurism kiss pictures of members are posted on FRIDAY! Office "I will refrain from comments" | News 2
What we are doing in the promotion project is not said to be a voyeur ... ....

"The age of television" has already ended with 18.1% of the top viewership rating and "the lowest in history": J-CAST News

"We are making programs with nursing and inertia" has reached the level that can be conveyed to viewers through the screen, "It is not surprising that low audience ratings will continue to be a topic."

Yanagi George sudden death ... exacerbated diabetes mellitus (1/2 page) - entertainment - SANSPO.COM

"There is only baseball for me!" Koki Koki confesses the truth of the ball world re-challenge. (1/5) - Number Web: Number
Once I quit baseball and turned into a fighter, I'm trying to challenge the ball field again

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
40th anniversary commemorative · sparkling caramel cone
"Chara Quila Corn · Scorched Caramel Flavor" New Release

This time, in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of release, we will release "Chara Quila Corn · Scorched Caramel Flavor", a single particle shining brilliantly.

"Chara kira Kohn and burned caramel flavor" coats the dough with honey with caramel paste and caramel sauce and finished it with a savory caramel flavor.

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Headline News on October 13, 2011 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log