One spoonful of olive oil daily may reduce risk of dementia-related death by 28%

The health benefits of olive oil are widely known, and you may already be including it in your diet: A new study tracking a total of more than 90,000 participants found that people who consumed a tablespoon of olive oil daily had a 28% lower risk of dementia-related death.

Consumption of Olive Oil and Diet Quality and Risk of Dementia-Related Death | Nutrition, Obesity, Exercise | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network

A Spoonful of Olive Oil a Day Could Lower Risk of Dementia-Related Death by 28% : ScienceAlert

While the number of deaths from strokes and heart disease has decreased in recent years due to improvements in medical technology, the proportion of elderly people who die from Alzheimer's disease and other dementia-related causes is increasing. Previous research has pointed out that the Mediterranean diet, which includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, fish, and olive oil, may have a beneficial effect on cognitive health.

Olive oil in particular is rich in antioxidant compounds such as monounsaturated fatty acids , vitamin E, and polyphenols , which may have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.

Most of the research on olive oil consumption and cognitive function has been conducted in Mediterranean countries, where olive oil consumption is already high, so Harvard nutritionist Anne-Julie Tessier and her team thought they might gain unique insights by conducting a study in the United States, where olive oil consumption is relatively low.

The research team analyzed olive oil consumption and disease-related deaths in a total of 92,383 subjects based on data from the Health Follow-Up Study of Nurses and Healthcare Professionals conducted between 1990 and 2018. Of the subjects, 60,582 (65.6%) were women, with an average age of 56.4 years, and there were 4,751 dementia-related deaths during the 28-year follow-up period.

The analysis found that subjects who regularly consumed at least 7g (about half a tablespoon) of olive oil per day had a 28% lower risk of dementia-related death compared to subjects who never or rarely consumed olive oil. It was also estimated that replacing 5g of mayonnaise per day with the same amount of olive oil reduced the risk of dementia-related death by 14%, and replacing 5g of margarine per day with the same amount of olive oil reduced the risk of death by 8%.

'Interestingly, we found that the association between olive oil and a reduced risk of dementia-related mortality was observed even after controlling for dietary adherence to the Mediterranean diet apart from olive oil consumption. People who use olive oil in cooking and dressings are generally thought to have better overall diet quality, but this was not the case,' said Tessier.

However, because the study was conducted mainly on educated white subjects, the results cannot be generalized to a wider range of populations. Also, it should be noted that the study only found a correlation between olive oil intake and the risk of dementia-related death, but did not prove a causal relationship.

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in Science,   Junk Food, Posted by log1h_ik