Future activities revealed by Mr. Hideo Kojima who established the new studio and those obtained independently

Contract with Konami ended on 15th December 2015, the next day the new studio "Kojima ProductionsEstablishment between Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE)Announced that we have signed a contractThen, Mr. Hideo Kojima, a creator who gave a great impact to the game industry, responds to The New Yorker's interview and talks about what he got from his future vision and independence.

Hideo Kojima's Mission Unlocked - The New Yorker

game"Metal Gear SolidKojima is known as a creator of the series, but in 2015 it was a turbulent year to leave Konami and establish a new studio. According to The New Yorker, Mr. Kojima was able to speak freely as the contract with Konami ended, and said that it is described as "a new start". However, it seems that we can not tell details about contracting out of Konami by contract.

Mr. Kojima's studio was Konami Digital Entertainment Kojima Production Content Room Art DirectorYoshi ShinkawaMr. Kojima was a Production General ProducerKenichiro ImaizumiIt is composed of four staff including Mr. and he has not yet set up an office. Regarding the next work that will be developed at the new studio, it is not disclosed except for advancing with PlayStation. Regarding game development Mr. Kojima says, "When I make games, I think every time I am making the last game I'm making now.It is the same as women do not think about the next pregnancy while giving birth I can not think about the next game until the game inside is released. "

Originally interested in game development Mr. Kojima who was longing for a filmmaker was the reason he played Nintendo's Nintendo while he was in college. As NES 'cartridge was equipped with a save function, it was said that game designers had become easier to make feature-length games.

Kojima said, "to create a possibly experience, such as movies, may not be a hand that game," but I thought that, the game is still developing "games of that era at the time, says in the movie there is only a simple action such as Charles Chaplin and Buster Keaton of place, this alone it is difficult to instill the important themes and messages in the game. I had continued to packed story in the game that he is involved, was also there that is said dissatisfaction with what has been in preaching from the player. but, I wanted to find a way to connect the game and life. rather than simply play for only a toy, me playing is that what to do to make a work that continues to remain in the mind of the player "and not look back at that time It is.

Mr. Kojima's game "Metal Gear Solid" which he did in 1998 gained great popularity not only in Japan, but also gained great success all over the world. Due to the success of this metal gear solid, Mr. Kojima seems to have learned a lot about game supervision and game business, "The only way to make high-end games is to target the world market. However, A keen sensibility to sense how well the development will work and a preparedness to commit risk are necessary for project management.When focusing on just the immediate interest, it will be left behind in the era, and returning to the cutting edge again It is impossible. "


Mr. Kojima said that working in a Japanese company "When you work in a large company, especially a Japanese company, you need to approve the company no matter what small things. , Now I am independent, so I can advance what I want more quickly and I do not need to spend time on presentations that I do not need. " In addition, as for the fact that I learned to speak my opinion freely by leaving Konami "If I belong to a company, my opinion may be caught as a company's opinion, I could not say anything. "

Mr. Kojima seems to have considered a one-year vacation after leaving Konami, but when consulting with a friend who lives in Hollywood, "I have an obligation that your talent should keep going forward" as a vacation It was said that it was opposed. "When I heard this phrase, I was convinced that my role in the world is to keep building big game titles for as long as possible, this is the mission given to my life," Mr. Kojima reviewed , I will reveal that I will continue to engage in game making in the future.

in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log