"BotVoice.A" in which the PC starts to talk when infected

When infected with this Trojan horse "BotVoice.A", the PC says "You are infected, repeated, you infected, I deleted your system file, sorry, I have a good day, bye bye" I will start talking like such lines.

What kind of mechanism will be this and what the audio file actually talking is as follows.
P2P Trojan Makes PC Talk, Laugh at You, While Erasing Hard Drive

New Trojan Makes Computers Talk While Wiping out the Hard Drive

Panda Software, Talking Trojan "BotVoice.A" Warning: ITpro

Repeated messages are as follows:
"You have been infected I repeat you have been infected and your system files have been deleted. Sorry. Have a nice day and bye bye."
(Your computer was infected, repeating, your computer was infected and system files were deleted.No unfortunately.

You can listen to the actual speaking voice from the following link.

TrjBotVoiceA.mp3 (audio / mpeg object)

In short, Windows XP comes with "Speech synthesisIt reads it using the function. It's called a "TTS (Text-to-Speech)" he is called a guy.

"Speak English" in "Speech Synthesis": Digital ARENA

Let the sentence of the text file be read out with "synthesized speech": Digital ARENA

By the way, Windows Vista has "Speech recognition function that can operate all Windows Vista"Is newly installed, is not it that a new type of virus will appear such that files are manipulated by voice so that files are deleted one by one from the next? It is said.

ITmedia News: Fear of Malicious Command Execution with Vista's Voice Function

ITmedia News: Vista's voice command abuse possible ?? Microsoft commented

in Note, Posted by darkhorse